+Disturbing Talks #38+ Jenn Nangle

This week on Disturbing Talks… We see what’s HAPPENING with Jenn Nangle and discuss the state of women film makers in horror.


Jenn is quite the busy lady. She’s directed 3 shorts, written 4, and is also quite the actress. in some instances she’s taking on triple duty and such is the case for THE TRAVELER & SPIRIT BOARD.

Jenn braved the journey to the O.C. and had a chance to experience the Studio vibe: which basically means getting drunk with some better mics and talking the shit out of some horror.


We talked for hours, literally, while watching Hunter Johnson’s  2 JENNIFER — which you can purchase HERE (if you’d like to experience Disturbing Talks the way we do) — discussing M. Night Shyamalan’s flicks, Women in Horror, and we even have our first horror trivia segment — with the trivia questions delivered by the amazing Rhiannon Irons.

Rhiannon is an amazing, knowledgeable, horror enthusiast — as well as writer — and recently just wrapped up her first short flick ASYLUM. You can follow Rhiannon on Twitter and Facebook.

Jenn and I are in for the long haul to bring all the drunken horror talk that you deserve. We consume a shit ton of alcohol, and romance the genre we love the most. Jenn is definitely a talent to watch for. Her drive and ambition are amazing, so we look forward to all the wonderful content that she has to offer.

Currently Jenn has her most recent short, SLIT, in post production. It is scheduled to be one part in an anthology film — produced by 2 JENNIFER director Hunter Johnson. We will be sure to keep you updated on the progress of, not only this project, but all the future projects from Jenn.

Listen HERE:



With that being said, Disturbing Talks would also like to take the time to let you know about a project that is in the works. Writer/Director Tom Holland — Director of FRIGHT NIGHT, and creator of Chucky, from CHILD’S PLAY — has a GoFund Me out there right now, for his upcoming project TWO MINUTES WITH TOM HOLLAND. This project is a weekly internet documentary, which will be hosted by actress Carlee Baker and they will be exploring the vast knowledge of filmmaking that Tom has. Together they will take an in depth look into Tom’s seasoned career and provide all the secrets behind the films.

To make a donation please visit: https://www.gofundme.com/2minwithtomholland and be sure to like their Facebook page to keep up to date on the campaign and series.

Please share this podcast with all your horror loving friends and Please remember to support Indie Horror.



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